Well, the weather these past weeks has certainly tested the drainage on the Common – and generally things have stood up quite well. There will be some fine-tuning to be done this coming autumn to improve some areas where the clay comes to the surface but otherwise we are pretty happy with the work done so far.
The weather also played havoc with our sheep purchasing plans after all the sheep were evacuated from the Royal Cornwall Show! However, John Duncan attended a sheep-keeping course at South Yeo farm a couple of weeks ago (he has to learn enough to keep up with Dennis!) and Gillian at South Yeo may have some Balwen rare-breed Welsh Mountain sheep available in the late summer. As these will be an ideal breed to keep the pasture in character on the Common, it’s finger crossed that she can deliver. You can find details of this breed at:- www.balwensheepsociety.com
Work has progressed whenever the weather has allowed. I think that most folk have now discovered the “Bridge Trail” through the woods along the stream at the bottom of the valley. This last week Dennis has been hard at work improving the surface of the path through the woods that bypasses the steep hill between the new pond and the track up to the road. In the next weeks we plan to cut a few “adventurous paths” through the emerging bracken that can take people close up to the many butterflies that will frequent the slops when the weather improves – as surely it must! And a path connecting the Common to the Castle is another idea that may come to fruition soon – if the National Trust is interested.
We are thinking of the first task that we will throw open to the “Kilkhampton Commoners” and it is likely to be helping in the rebuilding of the ruined wall that was originally built to retain the bank on the right-hand side of the track just after the stream crossing on the way down from the road. Dennis has been stock-piling stone here and I am sure he will be happy to instruct willing hands on the work of beginning the rebuilding of the wall. Look out for dates in the near future. You become a Commoner by either attending a work party or supporting a work party. I leave it to your imaginations what the term “support” might cover!
You will notice that we have moved the fence on the north side of the top pasture so that it follows the line of the public right of way as shown on the Cornwall definitive map – it was all of 10 metres out at the worst point. I hope that everyone with an interest in footpaths will now be happy. We have also suspended the building of the sheep-handling pen at the top of the hill, as we need to have confirmation from Cornwall Council that full planning permission is not needed for the addition of a sheltering roof.
Finally, do please visit the Westland Countryside Stewards new website at www.westlandcs.co.uk There is lots of information about the Common and this will be the place to learn about anything new when it is first announced. Look out for news of the Great Container Sale in the WGP car park – all proceeds in aid of the Commons!