After the strange snowy weather of winter, it is finally spring- we think! The common is starting to brighten up with the first signs of butterflies. Small tortoiseshell’s (Aglais urticae) have been spotted on the first butterfly survey of the year along with a single brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni). Within the next couple of months, The Common should be covered with butterflies and surveying them starts to get harder!

Wildlife on the Common
Frogspawn has not yet been seen, but it will only be a matter of time! Pond dipping will take place later in the year, along with a range of activities for both young and old. This is with thanks to funding received from the People’s Postcode Lottery.
When on the common we have noticed there is still an issue with dog mess. If you are a dog walker please ensure that you either use the “stick and flick” method if it is on the path, or clean it up using a bag and take it off the site to dispose of. We are hoping to have a lot of summer activities aimed at young people, so please clean up after your dogs!
You may notice the work on the common is ongoing. Paths are being redone, some new fencing and some clearings created, and some of which have corrugated iron in. These patches are for wildlife. Snakes, slow worms and lizards especially like the corrugated iron as it becomes warm in the sun. Feel free to have a look under the sheets, but please be careful and lift slowly!
Please do not move the iron away from the sites as they will be used to show young people animals on the common.
Livestock on the Common
Lambing season is also upon us, soon you will see lots of bouncing lambs in the fields. At the current time we have some goats on the common- they are very friendly and very nibbly, they will eat your clothes! But feel free to give them a smooth to keep them happy!
Please keep an eye on our website and social media for upcoming events. We will aim to do them at a range of times to ensure that everyone who wants to attend can.
If you want to get involved in any events or volunteering, check the website for updates and upcoming events. Or get in touch; we would love to hear from you!
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